Behaviour Policy

Behaviour Policy

Good behaviour is fundamental to success in all Youth Dreams Project coaching sessions. We aim to work in partnership with each school to encourage and promote the appropriate behaviour of pupils within the sports sessions that we deliver. To achieve high expectations, it is important that pupils understand and are supported in the acquisition of behaviour skills that support learning. Therefore, for the consistency of the children, YDP will follow each individual schools behaviour policy. Our team will compliment these policies by using praise and positive reinforcement.

We will include the following additional positive incentives to enhance good behaviour:

Each Session

A star boy and a star girl will be selected at the end of each session by the coach. This will be announced in front of the whole class and then fed back to the class teacher. The children will be aware that the choice will be based around performance in the lesson. Which involves level of participation, attitude towards learning and behaviour, level of skill shown and if they have demonstrated positive leadership skills (supporting others, encouraging and helping the coach setup/pack away).

End of Term

At the end of each term, the coach (or coaches where applicable) will select two star pupils from the whole school. The selection will be based on improvement, progress, participation and effort throughout the term. They will each receive YDP merchandise. We would recommend that these pupils are recognised by way of an announcement during the schools end of term assembly to encourage, inspire and motivate other children on their personal sporting journey.

Bi-annual celebrations

During the final week of term leading to February half term and the Summer holidays, each coach will pick two star pupils from the whole Primary school and invite them to a fun activity (for example, a trip Inflatanation/Bounce) during school hours to recognise their hard work achieved during YDP sessions. At Senior School level, the two star pupils will be awarded a voucher. The selections will be based on the analysis of the sessions throughout the school year.

YDPs expectations for students:

– Always wear appropriate clothing for all YDP lessons (trainers, shorts, T-shirt)

– Remove all jewellery

– To give maximum effort for the duration of the session

– To be respectful to others and the YDP coach

This policy was ratified on 1st January 2023.


Luke Kennedy, Managing Director

Youth Dreams Project